Paid learner referrals

Paid learner referrals were introduced to incentivize our existing users to invite their friends and family to but the Unacademy subscription. Referral program would help us tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing. People are more likely to trust recommendations from their friends and family than they are to trust traditional advertising. By encouraging existing users to refer their friends and family, we wanted to essentially use our existing user base as brand ambassadors to promote our subscriptions.

My contribution

As the sole creative designer working on the project, my contributions included creating a cohesive visual theme that tied all aspects of the project together. I also developed illustrations to visually communicate the key concepts of the project. These illustrations helped to engage and motivate users to participate in the referral program. I also finalised the colour scheme, by selecting colours that effectively communicated the project's message and appealed to the target audience and set the overall look and feel of the project.

Free learner referrals

Free learner referrals were introduced to extend the referral programme to cover the entire userbase of Unacademy. Now, users who don’t have an active paid subscription will also be able to take benefits of the referral programme through Free User Referrals.

The user base of free referral programme includes:

- Users with no active Plus/Iconic subscription
- Users with bonus subscription
- Users with expired subscription
- Lite/Platform users
- Free trial users.

Free learner referrals early stage explorations

Impact of Paid learner referrals

Within ten days of the launch
- We have seen a total of 356 referral links clicked so far, with the number expected to increase with the app adoption.
- Amongst the 356 links clicked, we have seen 31 successful payments as well.

Impact of Free learner referrals

We went live with Free referrals on 9th November, and by 24th November
- We'd seen more than 200 successful free referrals, constituting 25-30% of all successful referrals, with the number expected to rise with app adoption and with the consideration of the TAT for referral conversion.
- Instead of cannibalising educator or paid referrals, Free referral has contributed an additional 2-3% to the overall referral revenue.

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